With the expansion of online sales of flight tickets and hotels, users tend to easily view and buy other tourism services. Providing online booking of tour services is more complex than providing hotel booking or flight booking. The reason for this complexity is that a tour package is a combination of different services, and the tour operator must make sure that everything that makes up a tour package is available before selling. Due to the complexity, Tour package web service provider are limited.
With BasisFly Tour Inventory Management Software, you can enter tour package data and information and display it in your website booking system. With web service or non-web service data, you can define different types of packages in. See the Tour Inventory Management software.
BasisFly Tour Booking System is very User-Friendly which makes tour booking very easy and fast for website users. It also has many features for tour managers in management panel to do monitoring, control and setting and changes in very simple and accurate ways.
Tour Booking system benefits:
Increase Tour Sales
By online tours sales, a new sales channel is created for you, and you can sell more tours to website users and your existing potential clients.
Reduce costs
You do not need to hire more staff for tour reservations. Due to the user-friendly sales management panel with comprehensive tools, personnel at any level can perform their duties with minimal training. For a tour to be sold offline, your sales staff should present tour package options including flight, hotels, hotel rooms, destination service, etc. After selecting services by the customer, the next step is calculating the final price and present it to the customer and coordinating its payment. With online tour package booking, the customer thoroughly reviews and selects the flight and hotels in detail. With online tour booking, the entire tour sales process is automated and it will take much less time to get things done.
Increase accuracy in tour sales operations
Selling a tour package is indeed selling couple of services in one service. Therefore, the errors that may occur in the sale of other services also occur in the sale of the tour. Like selling a hotel room that is filled. With BasisFly Tour booking system, the operation of presenting and selling the tour is done automatically and the errors of selling the tour are minimized.
Tour booking system features

Tour Packages Result Filtering
Users can filter the tours in the search results based on various parameters: hotel name, degree of service, type of destination services, flight class and airline.

Displaying tours details
Information such as daily program can be displayed in the online booking results along with specifications such as type of tour, suitability for a target group, difficulty level, etc.

The Detail information of hotels.
The user has access to all the details and specifications hotels of a tour. Including nearby places, distance from transport stations, facilities, etc.

The Detail information of flights.
The user has access to all the necessary information for the flight, including stopping, cargo amount, flight class, etc.

Credit and B2B sales
You can specify different terms and commissions with different settings for each reseller. You can also define credit for your clients and business partners.

Displaying final Price
The user sees the total prices of the selected services based on the number of travelers.

Tour Packages Result Sorting
Multiple sorting of flights based on various parameters.

Multi-step payment
In your sales, you can provide users with multi-step payments.

With comprehensive report tools you can organize transactions data in the form of contracts based on various parameters.

Markup and commission
For B2B or B2C sales, you are able to adjust your markup and commission settings so that you can implement a variety of pricing strategies.
Over All features
Operational and Support features
Calling information of all hotels, airlines and airports, cities, countries, etc (No need To data entry).
Define and manage the credit of business partners
Connecting several payment gateways
Related educational booklets available on each page
Free Education
Search and Filter contracts and pre-contracts based on the type of service, supplier, web service, name of the contractor, contract date, contract number, origin and destination, buyer information, passenger information, type of buyers (the agency itself, other agencies or regular users of the site).
User management features
User access management
Validation of user registration by SMS
Reporting Features
The type of service
Web service name
Origin and destination
Contract time periods
Travel time interval
User performance
And financial reports
Marketing and Sale Features
Service sharing with BasisFly members
Define exchange rates and automatically update prices based on it
Define different commission groups and applying over all settings to group members
Define a dedicated commission for a specific member in a group
Display different rules for different services
Financial Features
Specify the tax and the service net price in sales reports
Generating accounting documents automatically